Saturday, April 14, 2012

Semi curly hair?

if your a guy with semi curly hair how do u make it not curly..without straighting or chemically doing anything to it.?

Semi curly hair?

If somebody told you to straighten your curly hear tell me who so i can drop-kick them. i think curly hair on guys is Sexy to the sexyth power. however if you don't like them then the only way would be to blow dry or flat iron it and keep it dry so it dosen't curl up again.

P.S. i feel ashamed for giving you curl-murdering tips.



Semi curly hair?

you could try blowdrying it straight. It will help take out some of the curliness, but not perfect flatiron straight. I think thats what you want. Just right when you get out of the shower, towel dry, and take the brush and just blowdry sections of hair with the brush.(im sure you have seen it done) if you have any doubts, look on youtube. they have everything!

hope i helped!

Semi curly hair?

Awwwwww! leave it like that it must look cute

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